New School: Automotive Hal's Auto Clinic Farmington Hills Technician Training
December 25, 2022
Farmington Hills consumers are demanding. We want a safe, reliable vehicle that handles well and is comfortable to ride in. Oh, and we want good fuel economy, too. We also want vehicle repairs that are cheap, fast and easy. Unfortunately, one usually comes at the cost of the other.Today's vehicle... More
Farmington Hills Drivers Severe Service Maintenance Schedules
November 13, 2022
Since driving requirements and lifestyles differ among Farmington Hills drivers, your vehicle manufacturer publishes two auto maintenance schedules: the regular schedule and the severe service schedule. Which schedule should Farmington Hills drivers follow? Here are some questions to ask yourself... More
The Engine Gets a Boost (Turbocharged Engine Maintenance)
April 3, 2022
If someone told you that your vehicle could have the same power but with a smaller engine, wouldn't that sound like great idea? Just think, a smaller engine would save you money at the gas station and you'd still get the same horsepower. The technology to do just that has been around for a long t... More
Keys to a Long Lasting Vehicle
March 20, 2022
We live in a disposable society. Everything from elaborate packaging to our clothing. Even cell phones are disposable. When replacement is cheaper than repair, the term "built to last" goes by the wayside. An exception is our vehicles. They're still a very big investment and Farmington Hills driv... More
Training Received by Technicians in Farmington Hills, MI
September 26, 2021
When your vehicle breaks down in the Farmington Hills, MI, area, or just needs some routine service, it can make you a little nervous. Because your vehicle's so important to your life, you need to be back on the road as soon as possible with the problem fixed right the first time.We've been che... More
Busting Automotive Myths in Farmington Hills, MI
August 8, 2021
Myths passed around our Farmington Hills, MI community start with a grain of evidence and are then built up with a lot of imagination and very elastic logic. And the internet is a breeding ground for automotive myths. Some bloggers recall the vehicles of yesteryear and declare their modern deced... More
The Importance of Farmington Hills Drivers Following Service Intervals
June 27, 2021
Today in our Hal's Auto Clinic Farmington Hills blog, we're going to talk about following recommended service intervals. Your vehicle isn't the only aspect of your life in Farmington Hills with recommended intervals: Let's start with twice yearly dental check-ups and regular physical exams. How ... More
Regular Schedule or Severe Service Schedule at Hal's Auto Clinic Farmington Hills?
March 14, 2021
Today's Hal's Auto Clinic Farmington Hills article focuses on severe service maintenance. Many Farmington Hills drivers are not aware of them and yet there are also very vocal advocates in MI who think that severe service schedules apply to everyone. Somewhere between a complete lack of awarenes... More
Don't Miss a Beat (Importance of Regular Maintenance)
December 20, 2020
In many places, license plates have to be renewed every year or else you can't drive your vehicle legally. Usually, you'll get a reminder from the agency that issues the plates. That kind of regular attention needs to be paid to your vehicle as well. Its manufacturer has determined a schedule o... More
Which Item Is Most Stolen from Vehicles in Farmington Hills?
November 13, 2020
Which item is most often stolen from vehicles in Farmington Hills?Is it: Stereo Wheels Air Bag DVD System Well, if you said stereo you used to be right. But airbags have now surpassed stereos as the biggest target for theft in MI approximately 50,000 a year are stolen across the country. Ne... More